I come from a culture where it is expected you get pregnant as soon as you are married. As time went by, everyone kept asking where is the baby? I became more afraid of not conceiving and eventually my period started getting irregular, then I wasn’t ovulating. Dr. Carolle explained to me that I was caught in a vicious circle of wanting to get pregnant and stressing about it all was causing me not to get pregnant. Working with her gave me the tools to stop being in that fight or flight mode and I learned how to better deal with my family. I had a good conversation with my husband and family and explained I went to a doctor whom explained to me the more you keep asking and pressuring me, the more I become stressed out. I know you are all well intentioned but you are stressing me out, too much. Using all the tools she gave me, my periods became regular again, and within three months I got pregnant and had a healthy baby.