Dr. Carolle’s Philanthropic Work in Haiti

The Health Through Communications Foundation supports community efforts to provide adequate health care access and well-rounded education and economic development opportunities to the vulnerable and under-served members of society in the U.S., Haiti, and the World.



Visit the Health Through Communications Foundation Here
To Donate Click Here.

If you have a vehicle you have been thinking about getting rid of you can use it as a wonderful tax deductible donation to Health Through Communications Foundation.


Please call 1-866-538-7366 to arrange your free pickup or visit our partner’s website YouAutoDonate and see how your donated vehicle can benefit you and help our Foundation. Be sure to select Health Through Communications Foundation as your charity of choice!


Your tax deductible, charitable donation of any vehicle—running, salvage, junk or serviceable – will make a real difference to us!


Thank you!

Volunteering and mentoring help make us better citizens while helping others in need. Whenever I hear anyone complain about being unhappy, I suggest they volunteer for a cause, or to become a mentor. When we volunteer it provides us with the opportunity to give back to our communities. In my case, volunteering for charity saves me from taking myself too seriously…” Dr. Carolle