My story is one of an incredible medical doctor and medical intuitive who saved my life and that of many others suffering from cancer.

Five years ago I was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer to my lungs and surrounding areas around my heart. A friend referred me to Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat and said if anyone could help me she could. I contacted Dr. Carolle and after speaking with her I knew I had to meet her.  I immediately made an appointment to stay at Dr. Carolle’s sanctuary for a three-day/two-night retreat and went through the personalized process she created for me.

After my stay at one of the most beautiful healing retreats with gardens that would delight any spirit; I was a new woman. I learned how to replenish my soul, discover the root cause of all the negative issues in my life that was causing me to be ill and how to deal with them. I had the opportunity to rest, receive healing touch therapies, detoxify my mind and body and learn how to integrate CBD/cannabis in my treatment regimen.

I chose to go through chemotherapy and radiation therapy which was not easy. Dr. Carolle made sure I had ALL the tools necessary to make it through successfully. It’s been five years and my doctors are still amazed at how healthy I am. I continue to put in practice what I learned from Dr. Carolle during the retreat.

Making the decision to go to her retreat was the best thing I could have done for myself and my family. I am happy to be alive, healthy and thriving. I plan to continue enjoying life for a long time to come. If you are suffering from the ravages of cancer I highly recommend you call Dr. Carolle and at least discuss your situation.