My sanctuary garden has been a labor of love that started in 2000. A place to heal and renew! I am blessed to use my talents and those of the many artists - including Salvador Roberto Torres, the world-renown Hispanic muralist.
The Kelco historical mural took him two years with his wife Gloria in 1993-1994 to finish in Barrio Logan in San Diego. When the building was purchased by the Restaurant Depot, the mural had to be left intact and retrofitted for earthquake leaving three empty 12 ft. high and 9 ft. wide where the doors were. I worked with him from August 2010 through March 2011 on the north side that measures 82 ft. wide and 25 ft. high. Together we chose the three fish, a black eye, crown rasse, and a garibaldi – the official marine state fish of California. I helped with the outlines, the fins, the corals under the garibaldi. But my baby is the crown rasse that measures 9 ½ x 5 ½ ft. That I painted from scratch to finish under the watchful eyes of master Queso as I called him.
I learned a lot from master Queso, not only about color, depth, working on an uneven surface and having to go across the street from time to time to make sure that the perspectives were right. Painting on a canvas and a large mural are two different balls games. But most of all, I learned to follow orders – not an easy task for a trained surgeon!!!!
A true leader needs to have the ability to follow.
Whenever friends come to visit, I take them to the mural, a San Diego landmark to take a picture with my clown rasse. I am so proud to have participated in working on this mural that will delight passerby and visitors alike.
In 2013 master Queso had a brilliant idea to create a mixed-media mural in my healing sanctuary garden and chose a wall by the pool. I went to ceramic classes with Elly and under her guidance create a clown wrasse half the size of the one on the Kelco mural. I also created a small octopus, a starfish, and some other sea creatures. It took almost a year to finish and one day while enjoying great food cooked by Aunty Mary and Ms. Gladys; a group of friends came to join Queso and me and a new mural was born. The friends include my ceramic teach Elly, Heather, Maya and her daughter Ayanna, Majah, and Ayanna Bassiouni a renown conceptual artist – who later painted a large mural on the side of the house that includes a mermaid, a goddess holding a heart and one blowing life – another masterpiece. Then more artists came to add their mark like fine art artist Kraig Blue, and many others.
I now use my healing place for physicians I coach and healthcare executives I advise when they need a place to renew their mind, body, and soul and just BE!
hi Dr Carole! I need to talk to you about exhibiting work from Haiti in my new cultural center. 760 500 7737